Disney Magic: Unconventional Team Building at Farm Fjord

Disney Magic: Unconventional Team Building at Farm Fjord

Embracing the Great Outdoors with Disney's Enthusiasm

In an extraordinary day of team building, the Disney Team stepped out of their conventional settings to embrace the rustic charm and natural splendor of Farm Fjord. Under the expansive skies and amidst the lush greenery, the day unfolded with a series of engaging and unconventional activities that not only strengthened bonds but also instilled a renewed sense of collaboration and creativity.

Morning Marvels: Learning in the Lap of Nature

The day kicked off under a grand tent, an unusual yet inspiring setting for the morning training session led by Disney University instructors. Swapping the usual conference rooms for this big tent setup amidst nature, the Disney Team found themselves invigorated and ready to absorb new knowledge and experiences.

Canoeing and Collaborative Learning

Post-lunch, the team engaged in hands-on workshops that offered insights into canoeing and camping. The highlight was the canoe expedition to explore local villages, where the teams demonstrated teamwork and resilience, navigating the waters of North Creek with enthusiasm.

Daytime Camping Experience: A Taste of the Great Outdoors

During the day, the team delved into the essence of camping without an overnight stay, experiencing the joys of outdoor living. The evening brought them together around a campfire, where they enjoyed a convivial atmosphere filled with singing, laughter, and shared stories, all while savoring treats like marshmallows, sweet potatoes, wines, and whiskey.

Culinary Delights and Evening Reflections

The updated menu was a hit, offering a delightful culinary experience that perfectly rounded off the day. As the sun set, reflections on the day's achievements and learnings were shared, with the unexpected canoe tip-over in the lagoon adding a touch of adventure and humor to the tales.

Moving Forward: Lessons and Laughter

Jack, our camp host, noted the  events is memorable and fun, underlining the day's success in bringing everyone closer and creating shared stories and laughter. It was a day where Disney's magic met the tranquility of nature, crafting a team-building experience that was as enriching as it was enjoyable.

Farm Fjord's Unique Corporate Offerings

As we reflect on a day filled with learning, laughter, and the magic of nature, it's clear that Farm Fjord offers more than just an overnight camping experience. Specializing in corporate events, Farm Fjord provides a unique natural setting that is ideal for team building and professional development. Hosting renowned corporations like American Express and Disney, Farm Fjord demonstrates its capacity to deliver exceptional experiences that combine the serenity of nature with the dynamic spirit of teamwork. These events underscore the versatility and appeal of Farm Fjord as a premier destination for corporate retreats that seek to inspire, unite, and invigorate their teams.

Interested to learn more? Simply contact our Camp Host, Jack via Wechat and he will get you started!