
At Farm Fjord, we don't rely on a typical hotel-style reservation system. Instead, we take a personalized approach to each tent reservation, ensuring that we meet your specific requirements and preferences. Our friendly and accommodating camp host, Jack, is available at any time via email or WeChat to assist you with date availability, pricing, and any special arrangements you may need. Regardless of your group size, we'll do our best to make your visit as seamless and enjoyable as possible. We eagerly anticipate the opportunity to welcome you to our farm and provide you with a memorable glamping experience.


Scan the follow QR code with your Wechat app. (if you are accessing this page from a laptop / desktop computer), or if you are reading this page in your smart phone, save this QR code to your photo album, and then use Wechat app to open this image from "Scan", and send him a friend request.

Jack's Wechat ID is "jackkeepsailing" in case you want to enter his Wechat ID manually.


Don't have Wechat? No problem. Just email Jack at