Horse Caravane in Shangri-la - Fireside Chat with Constantin De Slizewicz

Farm Fjord proudly presents "Horse Caravane in Shangri-la," an intimate fireside chat event with celebrated French writer and explorer Constantin De Slizewicz on Saturday, March 25th, 2023 from 14:00 to 17:00.

As the founder of Caravane Liotard, De Slizewicz has been leading exhilarating and immersive expeditions in the remote Yunnan Province of China since 2010.

Join us at our picturesque location at 227 Shengli Village, Town of Zhongxing, Chongming District, Shanghai (上海市崇明区中兴镇胜利村227号). Follow the location pin (shared separately) to the red spot and turn left until you see the big white tent on your right-hand side.

The agenda for this unforgettable day is as follows:
- 13:00 – 14:00: Sign in (parking available on the farm)
- 14:00 – 15:00: Sharing by Constantin De Slizewicz (refreshing drinks will be served)
- 15:00 – 17:00: Free time to enjoy various farm activities such as canoeing, biking, and more

The Farm Fjord is approximately 60 KMs or a 1 to 1.5-hour drive from People's Square, downtown Shanghai. Immerse yourself in the enchanting tales and mesmerizing images of the remote Yunnan Province while enjoying the serene beauty of Farm Fjord. Don't miss this unique opportunity to engage with a legendary adventurer and try your hand at our exciting farm activities. Mark your calendar today and experience the magic of Shangri-la!
For inquiry, scan the WeChat QR Code (@Jackkeepssailing) to connect with Jack, text / call at +86 18616191723 or email Jack at