In the serene setting of Shanghai's Chongming Island, Farm Fjord, a haven for nature lovers and seekers of inner peace, is preparing to host a unique two-day retreat on December 9-10. This retreat promises a journey of natural healing and personal connection, blending the rustic charm of farm life with mindfulness and outdoor adventure.

Embracing Nature and Self

The theme of the retreat, "Disconnect to Connect," echoes throughout its various activities. Participants are encouraged to unplug from their digital lives and immerse themselves in the simple pleasures of nature. The program is meticulously designed to foster a deep connection with the environment, oneself, and others.

Integrative Healing Practices

The first main focus of the retreat is 'Body and Mind Integration Healing.' This includes sessions of self-exploration, where participants are guided to love themselves unconditionally, shedding internalized judgments and embracing imperfection. Relationship exploration takes center stage with exercises in conscious communication and trust-building activities, suitable for both couples and family groups.

Another highlight is the Mindful Movement Meditation at dawn, where simple yet profound exercises like stretching, breathing, and vocalization are combined with meditation. These practices aim to cleanse the mind and invigorate the body, setting a peaceful tone for the day.

Outdoor Adventures and Learning

As part of becoming a 'True Outdoorsperson,' the retreat offers hands-on workshops in camping basics, introducing participants to essential skills like tent pitching and campfire management. Canoeing sessions will teach safety and basic paddling techniques, allowing attendees to gracefully glide through the waters.

A unique feature of the retreat is the farming workshop. Here, participants will learn about organic rice cultivation, reflecting Farm Fjord's commitment to sustainable agriculture. Additionally, stories of early 20th-century European explorers will be shared, inspiring attendees with tales of courage and perseverance.

Expert Guidance

The retreat is led by Feifei, a Dan Yoga instructor and performance artist with a background in music therapy and applied psychology. Jack, the principal of Farm Fjord, brings his passion for sustainable farming and outdoor activities to the fore, ensuring an authentic and enriching experience.

Engaging Itinerary

From camping and canoeing to self-exploration and relationship-building activities, the retreat offers a diverse range of experiences. The first day includes a mix of outdoor skills workshops, adventure storytelling, and self-exploration activities, culminating in a moonlight cinema by a bamboo forest campfire. The second day starts with mindful movement meditation, followed by a farming workshop, more canoeing, and concludes with a final session on relationship exploration.

Registration and Facilities

The retreat, priced at 1500 RMB per person, includes accommodation in well-equipped vintage tents, meals, and a range of beverages. A single tent option is available for an additional fee. Farm Fjord also has a modern outdoor kitchen, communal tent, dining area, and other amenities to enhance the experience.


This retreat at Farm Fjord offers a unique opportunity to reconnect with nature, engage in personal growth, and learn new outdoor skills. It's an invitation to step away from the hustle of everyday life and immerse oneself in a world of tranquility and self-discovery. As the event approaches, participants eagerly anticipate the transformative experiences that await at Farm Fjord.

Revitalizing Souls and Nature: Farm Fjord's Transformative Two-Day Retreat